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Writing for Families: Helping Your Child Learn

Writing, like reading, opens the door to lifelong learning. It is an essential skill that allows children and adults to express themselves, perform daily tasks and communicate ideas at school and in the workplace. Parents and guardians are a child’s first and most important teachers. You can help your child learn to write well, and you can show them that writing can be fun. Set aside time after school and on weekends for reading, drawing and writing. Children’s early writing often consists of drawings, letters and the occasional word. Encourage your child to scribble and draw, and copy shapes and letters. Make sure you have plenty of paper, crayons, pencils and markers on hand. Talk with your child about what they read, draw and write. Play word games, use buttons or macaroni to create letters and spell words, and ask your child to help you write a birthday card or thank-you note. Be creative, and have fun! Resource available in English, Chinese and Punjabi.
