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Engagement Matters!

We encourage all member PACs to exercise their own voting and speaking rights by sending a delegate to attend the AGM. If that will not be possible, authorize another individual (from your DPAC or another Member PAC) to carry your PAC's proxy to ensure your PAC's voice is heard.

Understanding What You Need to Do to Attend the AGM

The AGM may only be attended by authorized delegates of regular members in good standing, and registration is mandatory.
Regular Members in good standing who paid their membership dues by December 31, 2023 are entitled to VOTE AND SPEAK at the AGM. These members must submit one completed Proxy Vote Form (signed by two members of that member’s PAC or DPAC executive) to authorize up to two delegates to exercise voting rights on their behalf during the AGM. Additional delegates may attend the AGM by submitting a Proxy Speaker Form.
Regular Members in good standing who paid their membership fees January 1, 2024 or later are only entitled to attend and speak, but not vote, at the AGM. These members must submit a completed Proxy Speaker Form (signed by two members of that member’s PAC or DPAC executive) to authorize a delegate to speak on their behalf during the AGM. Additional delegates may attend the AGM by submitting a Proxy Speaker Form.
The Proxy Form ensures that the Member PAC or Member DPAC has authorized the designated individuals to attend the AGM on their behalf. For more information regarding proxies, read the Proxy Form and FAQs.
If you have never attended the AGM, it's a great way to gain exposure to a formal AGM and to understand the workings of the organization.

<Registration is not yet open for the 2025 AGM>

The 2024 AGM was held in Richmond on May 4 & 5, 2024:

The 2023 AGM was held in Richmond on May 6 & 7, 2023:

The 2022 AGM was held virtually on April 30, 2022:

The 2021 AGM was held virtually on May 1, 2021:
