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Award Background

The Bev Hosker Motivational Award was established in honour of former BCCPAC Director Bev Hosker. Bev Hosker was a Director of BCCPAC from January 2000 until May 2002, including one year as First Vice-President. Bev was passionate about safe schools and believed that every school and district should have a safe schools committee. Bev pushed for the education system to provide a variety of high school math programs so that all students could succeed at math. Bev was outspoken in questioning the status quo and challenged others to speak up as she did. She felt strongly about parents educating themselves in order to ensure that their students’ needs were met. This award is available annually.

Award Criteria

This annual award is open only to current/active BCCPAC members.

The Bev Hosker Motivational Award will honour a parent/guardian/caregiver who:

  • Is a member of a BCCPAC member Parent Advisory Council (PAC) or District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC)
  • Is a new or newly involved* parent/guardian/caregiver taking on a leadership role in their PAC/DPAC.

The nominated parent/guardian/caregiver must be from a BCCPAC member in good standing. The nominator may be any person or group of persons with direct knowledge of the nominee's contributions, but may not be a family member.

Specific criteria include that the nominee is new or newly involved in the school system.

*Example: may have had a child or children in the public school system for several years and have only recently become involved in their school or district PAC. This does not include parents/guardians/caregivers new to a school that had participated at their previous school.

The nominee is eager to learn and share their experiences with others.

The nominee has shown a desire to improve the educational environment in their school or district through:

  • Willingness to be an involved parent/guardian/caregiver and take on parent/guardian/caregiver leadership
  • Representation on school or district committees, include dates for reference
  • Participation at school or district-initiated opportunities (e.g. Pro-D)
  • Participation at PAC/DPAC initiated learning opportunities (e.g. workshops)
  • Being contagious in their enthusiasm
  • An interest in one or more of the following: Safe schools, Math, Science, or Advocacy
  • Attendance at PAC/DPAC meetings

The recipient will be presented the award during our AGM in May.

Nomination Period Opens: February 1, 2025

Award Nomination Form: Bev Hosker Award Nomination Form

Nomination Period Closes: March 31, 2025
