Vaping products are battery-powered devices that heat a liquid solution to deliver an aerosol (vapour/cloud) that the users inhale. The liquid inside the cartridge is called e-juice (vaping liquid or e-liquid) which often contains a carrier solvent of propylene glycol and/or vegetable glycerol, nicotine and flavours consisting of chemicals and other harmful substances.
student achievement
2021-22 School Year Resources & C19 Information
Key Documents for the 2021-22 School Year
- K-12 Communicable Disease Guidelines (Apr8/22)
- BCCDC Guidance for K-12 (Apr8/22)
For the benefit of all families, we've put all the information we have shared via email to members and online here and will continue to update.Apr 8 BCCDC Guidance for K-12Apr 5 PHO Recorded BriefingApr 5 PHO Briefing PPTMar 10 Our UpdateMar 10 K-12 Health & Safety GuidelinesMar 10 BCCDC Guidance for K-12Feb 15 Our UpdateFeb 4 Our UpdateFeb 1 Instructions to Use Rapid Tests (used at home)Feb 1 Media Release regarding tests distribution to studentsFeb 1 Our Update to membersJan 26 BCCDC K-12 Situation Report for JanJan 21 Daily Health Check documentJan 21 Our UpdateJan 17 Education UpdateJan 14 Our UpdateJan 7 Our detailed UpdateJan 7 PHO & MoE Update (recording)Dec 31 Our UpdateDec 30 Our UpdateDec 29 Our Update with DetailsDec 29 PHO Update with Minister of Education (recorded)Dec 29 Addendum to K-12 GuidelinesDec 29 BCCDC Addendum for K-12Dec 21 Our UpdateDec 21 PHO UpdateDec 17 Our UpdateDec 14 PHO Modelling UpdateDec 5 Our UpdateDec 1 Our UpdateDec 1 Q&A Part 3 from Oct 5 Session with DPACS, MoE and PHONov 23 Situation Report from BCCDC for K-12Nov 20 Our UpdateNov 5 Our UpdateNov 5 Q&A Part 2 from Oct 5 Session with DPACS, MoE and PHOOct 25 Q&A Part 1 from Oct 5 Session with PHO, MoE and DPACSOct 22 K-12 Guidelines for Vaccination PoliciesOct 19 Our UpdateOct 15 French language update to Health & Safety Guidelines.Oct 9 Our Update (incl Q&A)Oct 1 Our Update (w Q&A)Oct 1 K-12 Health & Safety GuidelinesOct 1 BCCDC Guidance for K-12Oct 1 Recorded announcementby Minister Whiteside and Dr HenryOct 1 Increased Safety Measures News ReleaseSept 29 Contract Tracing InfoGraphicSept 28 PHO Modelling Update w pediatric information and see slide11 re notificationsSept 24 Our Update (with Q&A)Sept 21 Our UpdateSept 21 PHO Update (recorded)Sept 18 Our Update (with Q&A)Sept 6 Our Update (w info re PACs and visitors)Sept 6 French Language Documents: Recovery Plan; Health & Safety Guidelines; Protocols for Administrators
Sept 1 Our UpdateAug 31 PHO Epidemiological Update and corresponding PPTAug 27 Student Impact ReportsAug 27 Our UpdateAug 26 Our UpdateAug 25 Report from Fraser Health Authority re Cases among School-aged ChildrenAug 24 Our UpdateAug 24 K-12 Health & Safety GuidelinesAug 24 BCCDC Guidance for K-12Aug 24 K-12 Protocols for Administrators (incl how to deal with exposures)Aug 24 K-12 and Post-Secondary Announcement (recorded)Aug 20 Our UpdateAug 13 BCCDC Importance of 2nd DoseJun 29 Our UpdateJun 29 WorkSafe BC UpdateJun 29 Province Shifts to Step 3Jun 28 PHO Modelling UpdateJun 27 MDI Data releasedJun 22 Prelim Studyre lack of transmission in schoolsJun 17 Our UpdateJun 17 BCCDC Outlook for K-12Jun 17 Recovery Plan for SeptemberJun 17 Recorded Announcement re Planning for SeptemberJun 17 News Release re SeptemberJun 10 PHO Modelling Presentation (Please see Slide 12 for the updated case counts and rates for school-aged children (5-18 years) and Slide 16 for the percentage of youth ages 12-19 years who have received their first vaccine.)May 31 Our UpdateMay 25 BC Provincial Restart PlanMay 21 Our UpdateMay 21 BCCDC C19 Vaccine Information for Youth 12-17May 21 BCCDC Updated Parent/Student FAQsMay 21 BCCDC Vaccine Considerations informationMay 20 Our UpdateMay 20 PHO Announcement re Youth Vaccinations (recorded)May 20 Announcement re Youth 12-17 Can get VaccinatedMay 13 Our UpdateMay 7 K-12 Mask Exemptions Guide -
Anxiety BC
Easy Separation Dealing with the first days of school The video was produced by the UBC Anxiety Research Project and AnxietyBC. We developed it to help parents with easy separation during the transition to kindergarten
Building Student Success in BC's Public Schools: A Guide for Parents
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Education COVID-19 Resources
- WorkSafe Update (Jun29)
- PHO Modelling Update (Jun28)
- BCCDC Outlook for K-12 (Jun17/21)
- BC Recovery Plan for September (Jun17/21)
- BC Provincial Restart Plan (May25)
- Graduation Ceremonies Guidance (May14)
- K-12 Mask Exemptions Guide (May7)
- K-12 Health & Safety Guidelines(Apr16/21 updated)
- Operational Guidelines for School Districts (Apr23/21 updated)
- French K-12 Health and Safety Guidelines (Apr16/21)
- Public Health Guidance for K-12 (Mar30/21 updated)
- BCCDC FAQ document for parents (Feb26/21)
- School Safety Plan Checklist(Feb4)
- COVID-19 Protocols for Schools/District Admin (Sept11)
- Impact of School Closures from BCCDC (Sept 25)
- Ministry FAQ Documentfor Families (Sept4)
- What Parents' Need to Know web page (Sept4 updated)
- BC’s K-12 Education Restart Framework (July29 updated)
- Expectations by Stages (July29)
- Current Public FAQs from Ministry (July29)
- Ministry Technical Briefing (Aug26)
- WorkSafeBC K-12 Education Protocols (Nov 20 updated)
- PHO WorkSafe Order for K-12 (Apr21/21)
On behalf of parents and members, President Andrea Sinclair and CEO John Gaiptman attend all regular meetings/calls with the Minister of Education, Deputy Minister of Education, and all the key stakeholders in the K-12 education sector (unions, ed partner associations, First Nations associations, and independent school associations).
For the benefit of all families, we've put all the information we have shared via email to members and online here and will continue to update.Jun 29 Our UpdateJun 29 WorkSafe BC UpdateJun 29 Province Shifts to Step 3Jun 28 PHO Modelling UpdateJun 27 MDI Data releasedJun 22 Prelim Studyre lack of transmission in schoolsJun 17 Our UpdateJun 17 BCCDC Outlook for K-12Jun 17 Recovery Plan for SeptemberJun 17 Recorded Announcement re Planning for SeptemberJun 17 News Release re SeptemberJun 10 PHO Modelling Presentation (Please see Slide 12 for the updated case counts and rates for school-aged children (5-18 years) and Slide 16 for the percentage of youth ages 12-19 years who have received their first vaccine.)May 31 Our UpdateMay 25 BC Provincial Restart PlanMay 21 Our UpdateMay 21 BCCDC C19 Vaccine Information for Youth 12-17May 21 BCCDC Updated Parent/Student FAQsMay 21 BCCDC Vaccine Considerations informationMay 20 Our UpdateMay 20 PHO Announcement re Youth Vaccinations (recorded)May 20 Announcement re Youth 12-17 Can get VaccinatedMay 13 Our UpdateMay 7 K-12 Mask Exemptions GuideApr 23 Updated Operational Guidelines for K-12Apr 21 PHO WorkSafe Order for K-12Apr 16 Our UpdateApr 16 English K-12 Health and Safety Guidelines updatedApr 16 French K-12 Health and Safety Guidelines UpdatedApr 15 Our UpdateApr 15 PHO Briefing w Data UpdateApr 1 Our UpdateMar 31 Our UpdateMar 30 Updated K-12 Health & Safety GuidelinesMar 30 Updated Public Health Guidance for K-12Mar 29 PHO Media ReleaseMar 15 Our UpdateMar 11 PHO BriefingMar 11 PHO Modelling PPTMar 11 BCCDC Sector UpdateMar 4 Our UpdateFeb 27 Our UpdateFeb 26 Daily Health Check App - Apple or Google - Now in English, French, Arabic, Simplified and Traditional ChineseFeb 23 K-12 Health and Safety Guidelines in FrenchFeb 23 K-12 Health and Safety Guidelines updateFeb 11 Re PHE Class from BC School SportsFeb 5 Our Update re Funding (also here)Feb 5 PHO Update PresentationFeb 4 Our UpdateFeb 4 New BCCDC K-12 websiteFeb 4 K-12 Health & Safety Guidelines updatedFeb 4 Public Health Guidance for K-12 updatedFeb 4 Media Release re announcementJan 22 Our UpdateJan 6 Living Rapid Review Update 11: What is the specific role of daycares and schools in COVID-19 transmission? (McMaster Univ)Jan 5 EU CDC Technical Report re COVID-19 in children and the role of school settings in transmissionARCHIVE 2020(Election Results announced Nov 8. New Cabinet and Ministers announced Nov 26)Nov 20 WorkSafe Protocols for K-12 UpdatedNov 19 Our UpdateNov 13 Our Update(Oct 24 provincial election. Final Results announced Nov 8)Oct 6 Our UpdateOct 5 PHO Modelling and Epidemiological Update - Schools InfoOct 2 Our UpdateOct 2 Operational Guidelines for School Districts updatedOct 1 Dr Henry PHO Briefing with focus on K-12 setting(Sept 21 Election Writ Dropped. Govt takes on caretaker or interregnum role)Sept 26 Our UpdateSept 13 Our UpdateSept 11 Operational Guidelines for School Districts updatedSept 11 Public Health Guidance for K-12 updatedSept 11 COVID-19 Protocols for Schools/District Admin (new)Sept 5 Our UpdateSept 4 PHO Modelling UpdateSept 4 Ministry FAQ Document for FamiliesSept 3 Our Back to School UpdateAug 28 What Parents Need to Know website updateAug 26 Our UpdateAug 26 Minister Fleming BriefingAug 26 MoE Technical BriefingAug 26 MoE Announces Flexibilty & Remote OptionAug 17 MoE News Release re K-12 operational guidelines set requirements for masksAug 17 FAQs from CUPE BC with some useful informationAug 13 Our UpdateAug 13 What Parent's Need to Know on MoE webpageAug 12 MoE News Releasere first day of schoolAug 10 MoE Education Restart TemplateJuly 31 Joint Letter with Education Partner AssociationsJuly 29 Our UpdateJuly 29 MoE Return to School Resource Page
July 29 Media Briefing with PHO, Min Fleming, BCSTA, BCCPACJuly 29 Current Public FAQs from MinistryJuly 29 MoE Expectations by StagesJuly 29 K-12 Education Restart PlanJuly 29 Public Health Guidance for K-12July 29 MoE Media Release w BCCPAC quoteJuly 27 Our UpdateJuly 20 PHO Modelling UpdateJuly 1 Our Update - Survey for ParentsJune 25 Joint Letter from Min Fleming and President Sinclair - in French, in Punjabi, in Simplified Chinese, in Traditional ChineseJune 25 MoE News Release with quote from BCCPACJune 23 PHO Modelling UpdateJune 22 Our Update - K-12 Sector Education Restart Steering Committee formedJune 17 Our UpdateJune 15 Update from Dr Henry - with reference to schoolsJune 12 Operational Guidelines for School Districts and Independent School AuthoritiesJune 12 Home Learning Videos by Shelley Moore & MoE to better support students w disabilities learning at homeJune 12 BCCDC on the use of playgrounds and PlaySafe InfographicJune 12 MoE Parent FAQs updatedJune 5 Our UpdateJune 5 Operational Guidelines for School Districts and Independent School Authorities updatedJune 4 PHO Presentation (recorded)June 4 PHO Media ReleaseJune 3 Our UpdateJune 2 Media Briefing with Minister Fleming (recorded)June 2 Media ReleaseMay 30 Our UpdateMay 29 Video from Dr Henry to educators and school staffMay 28 Our UpdateMay 23 Our UpdateMay 22 Ministry of Ed Planning Guide for TeachersMay 22 PHO Order on GatheringsMay 21 Our UpdateMay 20 Virtual Town Hall with Min Fleming and BCSTA President (recorded)May 17 Our UpdateMay 15 K-12 Education Restart PlanMay 15 Parent FAQUpdatedMay 15 Ministry Media Release re optional in-class instruction with BCCPAC quotedMay 15 Media Briefing with Premier Horgan, Min Fleming, Dr. Bonnie Henry, and Katrina Chen, Minister of State for Child Care (recorded)May 12 Provincial Survey for families (to May 31)May 11 UpdateMay 8 Ministry of Ed Integrated Planning Framework K-12May 8 Inclusive Education: Supporting students with special needs (from BCTF)May 6 UpdateMay 4 UpdateMay 4 PHO Media ReleaseMay 2 Questions with Kids and Answers from Dr Henry and Min Fleming (recorded)May 1 Interview with Minister Fleming on Focus BC1 (recorded)April 29 UpdateApril 26 UpdateApril 24 Statements in media from Minister FlemingApril 23 Launch of Good News in Education site with info about how we are working togetherApril 21 Ministry Media Releasere ensuring students get meals/foodApril 20 Ministry Media Releasere Educational AssistantsApril 18 Ministry Media Release with Quote from President Sinclair - re technology accessApril 17 MoE Parent FAQ UpdatedApril 15 Joint Statement from MoE and MCFDApril 14 OpEd from Minister FlemingApril 7 MoE FAQ document updated - also in French, in Chinese, in Punjabi, in Arabic, in Farsi, in Korean, in TagalogApril 3 Caring for Children during COVID from PHOApril 3 Minister Fleming Interview Q&Aon Global TVApril 1 Minister Fleming Interview Q&Aon CTV NewsApril 1 Update MoE FAQ Document - also in Chinese, in Punjabi, in Arabic, in Farsi, in Korean, in TagalogMarch 27 K-12 Health and Safety GuidelinesMarch 27 MoE KeepLearning webpage & resourcesMarch 27 Ministry Media Release with Quote from President SinclairMarch 22 Joint Statement from CUPE and MoEMarch 22 Joint Statement from BCTF and MoE -
Grade 10 & 12 Assessments, Student Results
We have put all the information you need regarding Assessments and information on obtaining student results here in one location.
Assessment Information on Ministry website
Understanding Provincial Assessment
Grade 10 Numeracy Assessment Information including what it looks like, sample questions and activities, workbooks and videos
Grade 10 Literacy Assessment Information including what it looks like, sample questions and activities, workbooks and videos
Grade 10 Graduation Numeracy Assessment: Specifications
Grade 10 Graduation Literacy Assessment Fact Sheet
Grade 10 Graduation Literacy Assessment: Specifications
Grade 12 Literacy Assessment Information including design specifications and resources
Grade 12 Literacy Assessment: Specifications
To see and download a copy of your child's results for either the Gr10 or Gr12 Assessments -
1. Go to (don't be thrown by the info re transcripts, you are on the right page)
2. Click on Current Student
3. Then either Register for a Basic Account or Login if you already have one. You will need your child's information as noted on the page.
4. You will receive an email via the email you entered (should be child's). Click the link in the email to confirm
5. Then you can login and you will see Assessments and Results among other items in the Dashboard. You can view or download PDF.
Helping Your Child to Learn
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Helping Your Child Learn
These resources were developed with input from parents, teachers and other educators. They were designed to provide an overview of what your child can expect to learn at every grade level, setting out goals for your child’s progress and achievement. They also provides tips on how parents and families can help children learn. Families can make a big difference by taking an active role in their children’s education. Resources available: Helping Your Child Learn K - 3 Helping Your Child Learn Grades 4 -7 Helping Your Child Learn Grades 8 - 9
Individual Education Plans: A Guide for Parents
Many parents are not sure what to expect at an Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting. When they meet school staff on behalf of their child, they may feel vulnerable or even frightened. Often, they don’t know what to do and are not clear about their role in the process. In this guide, our focus is to help you understand how an IEP meeting works and how you and your child, working together with the school, can get the most out of this process for the benefit of your child. You know more about your child than anyone else. The school needs this information to tailor its teaching to your child’s way of learning. A good IEP brings together your knowledge about your child with the school’s knowledge about teaching. The IEP meeting will produce a plan of what the school will do to teach your child and help her succeed.
BCCPAC is pleased to provide this valuable resource in several languages. Every effort has been made to ensure these translations are correct. If you find an error, please let us know by contacting the office.
Individual Education Plan Guide - English 2014
Individual Education Plan Guide - Arabic 2014
Individual Education Plan Guide - Chinese 2014
Individual Education Plan Guide - Korean 2014
Individual Education Plan Guide - Punjabi 2014
Math for Families
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Math for Families
Helping your child with math at home Teachers help build children’s mathematical thinking at school. Families help build it at home. Research shows that an ongoing partnership with families can help children develop math understanding. This resource suggests ways families can support children’s math development by doing activities at home. Resource available in English, Chinese and Punjabi
Reading for Families
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Reading for Families: Helping Your Child Learn
Parents and guardians are a child’s first and most important teachers, and helping your child learn to read is one of the most important things you can do. This is because reading opens the door to lifelong learning. Set aside time each day to read to your child. Read all kinds of things, like storybooks, poems, magazine and newspaper articles, non-fiction books, comic books and letters. Continue reading to your child even after they have learned how to read. Reading aloud fosters a love of reading and builds your child’s vocabulary. Ask your child to read aloud. Take turns reading pages or using different voices for different characters. Talk about words, stories and books. Visit a public library, read recipes, create grocery lists and play word games. Be creative, and have fun! Available in English, Chinese and Punjabi.
Reading Standards - A Guide for Parents
Understanding the BC Reading Performance Standards: A Guide for Parents
This document was developed to provide a guide for parents to the BC Performance Standards for Reading and Writing. It is hoped its use will:
- help parents know more about their child’s performance
- help support children’s learning
- help schools and families talk about reading and writing performance.
Working together, you and the teacher can help your child have a more successful school year. Together we can reach a shared goal in helping your child get the best education possible.
Reading: Breaking Through the Barriers
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Special Education Technology BC
SET- BC assists BC school districts in supporting students whose access to the curriculum is restricted. They provide a wealth of resources regarding educational strategies and assistive technologies for students with special learning needs.
Vaping Education for Families
Vaping Education from the BC Lung AssociationYouth vaping is threatening to addict a new generation of young people on nicotine. In an effort to address this, the BC Lung Association has partnered with Fraser Health Authority to develop health education resources for youth to provide an opportunity to explore their thoughts and perceptions about vaping.The toolkit's purpose?1) To raise awareness and increase the knowledge of educators and parentsand2) To help guide youth towards making informed decisions with respect to using vaping products.A Resource for parents and caregivers that includes tips on how to start a dialogue about vaping, as well as potential vaping questions that parents may be asked by their child, accompanied by suggested responses. Information for parents is available in Chinese, Farsi, Punjabi, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
There is also an FAQ document with a series of commonly asked questions and answers about vaping products. The FAQ sheet is available in Chinese, Farsi, Punjabi, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
Vaping Resources- Talking with Teens about Vaping
- Quick Facts on the Risks of E-Cigarettes
- Quit Now: Information about vaping and resources to help youth quit
- Supporting and Connecting Youth (SACY) Resource (PDF download)
- erase | Substance-use Resources
- Kelty Mental Health - Preparing Parents for Substance Use Connections
Vaping Information from Health Canada
- About Vaping including devices etc
- What is known about Vaping in Canada
Writing for Families
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Writing for Families: Helping Your Child Learn
Writing, like reading, opens the door to lifelong learning. It is an essential skill that allows children and adults to express themselves, perform daily tasks and communicate ideas at school and in the workplace. Parents and guardians are a child’s first and most important teachers. You can help your child learn to write well, and you can show them that writing can be fun. Set aside time after school and on weekends for reading, drawing and writing. Children’s early writing often consists of drawings, letters and the occasional word. Encourage your child to scribble and draw, and copy shapes and letters. Make sure you have plenty of paper, crayons, pencils and markers on hand. Talk with your child about what they read, draw and write. Play word games, use buttons or macaroni to create letters and spell words, and ask your child to help you write a birthday card or thank-you note. Be creative, and have fun! Resource available in English, Chinese and Punjabi.
Writing Standards - A Guide for Parents
Understanding the BC Writing Performance Standards: A Guide for Parents
This documentwas developed to provide a guide for parents to the BC Performance Standards for Reading and Writing. It is hoped its use will:
- help parents know more about their child’s performance
- help support children’s learning
- help schools and families talk about reading and writing performance.
Working together, you and the teacher can help your child have a more successful school year. Together we can reach a shared goal in helping your child get the best education possible.