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The Vision Plan was first approved in 2005 to run through to 2008 but the Board of Directors has extended it to include 2010

Our Mission

The collective voice of parents for the best possible public education of all children in British Columbia

Our Purposes

  • to promote, support and advance meaningful parent participation throughout the public education system in order to advocate for the success of all students; and
  • through our membership, to promote leadership, communication, cooperation, and representation in British Columbia at the school, school district and provincial levels.

Our Vision

To improve public education for all students by including and supporting parents

Goals and Initiatives

Goal: Support

To inform, include, and support parents, Parent Advisory Councils (PACs) and District Parent Advisory Councils (DPACs) to engage and build their active involvement in the BC public education system.


To develop and enhance strategies to support parents, PACs, DPACs and BCCPAC through education, diversity, advocacy, sustainability, and communication.

Goal: Partnership

To strive towards effective, inclusive, and diverse partnerships.

Initiative A

To expand our ability to effect change through diverse internal partnerships.

Initiative B

To expand our ability to effect change through diverse external representation.
