Resolutions Banners

  • Resolution Number: 2014.4
  • Resolution Status: Achieved

That BCCPAC urgently request the Ministry of Education to make the following changes to the math curriculum: 1. All students will demonstrate mastery of the math facts, including multiplication tables to 10. 2. All students will demonstrate mastery of the four standard vertical algorithms (addition, subtraction with a borrow, multiplication and long division).  These algorithms must be taught using effective conventional methods. 3. All students will demonstrate mastery of basic fractions. Mastery can only occur through daily practice in the classroom and there must be ongoing assessment throughout the school year to determine where progress is made and intensive intervention where improvement is required for each student.  Students with an IEP/LP may demonstrate this mastery in accordance with their IEP/LP. Every effort must be made to support student master of these skills prior to Grade 6.
