That BCCPAC urgently request the Ministry of Education to provide parents with a mechanism for clarification on whether any district and school policy and document are within the intent of a ministerial directive or law, and to provide parents with an appeal process that would enable them to appeal any district and school policy and document where parents believe that the school district has not followed the intent of a ministerial directive or law. And that the Canadian Home and School Federation urge all the Ministry of Education and Territorial Ministries of Education to provide adequate funding for all schools to implement an effective Anti-Bullying Program and to provide the necessary training for teachers, parents, administrators and support staff, as well as the provision of necessary materials to ensure the successful implementation and maintenance of the program. And that the Canadian Home and School Federation urge the Canadian School Board Association to strongly encourage all of its members to support this resolution and to urge their Provincial Ministers of Education to implement an effective Anti-Bullying Program for all school age children.
Clarification Mechanism and Appeal Process for PACs/DPACs Regarding District and School Policy and Documents
- Resolution Number: 2003.41
- Resolution Status: Achieved