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  • Resolution Number: 2008.29
  • Resolution Status: Achieved

That BCCPAC urge the minister of education to change the following points in the new anaphylaxis protocol in order to be in line with the ministerial order and the framework of recommendations from the Provincial Anaphylaxis Advisory Committee (PAAC) Framework which parents were a part of.

The changes we are requesting are:

a) A picture of the student to be placed on the anaphylaxis emergency plan form.

b) That asthma be included on the emergency plan as a secondary diagnosis. We also wish to see the addition of anaphylaxis to medications.

c) Full disclosure of resources available to school boards and parents.

d) Training for both auto-injectors: EpiPen and Twinject (first dose)

e) Specific risk reduction directives to include education on incident avoidance. Directives specifically at a classroom/cafeteria/food lab level regarding allergens, cleaning directives etc.

f) A specific directive for proper tracking of incidents for future review and assessment on the effectiveness of management strategies.

g) Specific plans to help school boards implement change (i.e., documentation, risk reduction education and staff training) within schools
