BC SCHOOL SPORTS was originally organized in 1965 as the British Columbia Federation of School Athletic Associations (BCFSAA) by a group of interested Teachers and Administrators. A Constitution was adopted in 1966. Operational support was received from the provincial government and the association opened an office on January 1970. The name was changed to BC SCHOOL SPORTS in 1980-81. Public and Non-Public secondary schools from across the province are Member Schools of BC SCHOOL SPORTS. The association is self-governed with Member Schools approving the operating and competitive policies by which school sport is governed. BC SCHOOL SPORTS also liaises with and welcomes input from School Districts, the Ministry of Education, the BC School Trustees Association (BCSTA), the BC School Superintendents Association (BCSSA), the BC Principals & Vice Principals Association (BCP/VPA) and the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC). The MISSION STATEMENT of BC SCHOOL SPORTS reflects the membership's drive for service excellence and a commitment to being a student-centered, school driven organization. Every program and service offered by the association is directed towards student-athletes and/or the volunteer teacher and community coaches who spend hours of time helping students to achieve their goals.