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In the Fall of 2007 the Board of Directors hired consultants to conduct a governance audit of the BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) to ensure BCCPAC is meeting all the legal requirements of an incorporated society. The audit addressed various concerns including assessing the current governance structures and processes, analyzing the alignment between governance structures and organizational processes to identify where challenges currently exist or may potentially arise and finally making recommendations with respect to the governance processes and structures appropriate for the future of BCCPAC. In June 2008 the Board of Directors established a Governance Audit Implementation Committee (GAIC) whose purpose is to review the Constitution and Bylaws using the input from members and present a draft of a revised Constitution and Bylaws to the Board of Directors.

Member input opportunities included:

January 2009 to April 2009: Member input sessions held regionally to address the “Purposes” of BCCPAC at Parksville/Qualicum, Kelowna, Prince George. Member input sessions were scheduled in Cranbrook and Chilliwack but were cancelled due to lack of registrations. May 2009: Member input session at Spring Conference in Richmond. November 2009: Fall Conference input sessions in Burnaby, two sessions focusing on questions identified by the GAIC along with an opportunity for open discussion. A third session was added and GAIC members were easily identified at the conference to delegates which provided an opportunity for one on one discussion. December 2009 to January 2010: Invitation to Members to be included as part of email Focus Group April 2010:  Spring Conference sessions provided opportunity for further discussion and member questions.  Presentation to the AGM and a ‘Meeting of the Whole’ provided further input and direction with regards to the Constitution and Bylaws. May - August 2010: GAIC continued to receive and review feedback from members on proposed Constitution and Bylaws. November 2010: First ever Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) held during the Fall Conference weekend where the proposed constitution and bylaws failed to reach the 75% required to pass. January 2011: The governance audit project was brought to an end. Ongoing work on the governance of BCCPAC was sent to the appropriate internal committees.
