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BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) is a charitable organization registered under the Society Act of BC, representing the parents of children attending the provincial public schools. Membership is made up of the Parent Advisory Councils (PAC), District Parent Advisory Councils (DPAC), and parent associate members. The BCCPAC Board of Directors is an elected body, voted in by the membership PACs and DPACs at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

About Us

BCCPAC represents the District Parent Advisory Councils (DPAC) and Parent Advisory Councils (PAC) from across the province. Collectively, we represent the parents of the children in BC.

The elected board will:

  • Receive limited funding from the Ministry of Education, membership fees, advertising, sponsorship, and project funding,
  • Ensure parents have a voice in their children's education,
  • Ensure the BC public education system remains focused on the needs of children,
  • Support parents as they navigate the education system and exercise their, and their children's rights in education,
  • Hold annual conferences, and an Annual General Meeting (AGM) for members, and
  • Assist members with a wide range of services, including the BCCPAC Advocacy and Member Services, and many other valuable resources.

We Are

  • Governed by a volunteer board of up to nine directors elected annually by the membership,
  • Supported and assisted by staff and volunteers.
  • Assisted by contract workers and volunteers.

For information on how BCCPAC is structured and operated, see:

"Working Together to Make BCCPAC Strong: Understanding how it is Structured and Operates and how Member PACs and DPACs can Contribute to its Success
